IoT software development company

Internet of Things (IoT) presumes obtaining and exchanging data from various physical objects embedded with software, sensors, and other similar technologies and the subsequent smart use of this data. The main goal of diverse IoT solutions is to enhance the automation of business processes and increase operational efficiency. COWIN has worked with IoT for years and delivers tailored-made solutions across many industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and finance.

IoT software development

Internet of Things development services

COWIN’s professionals can deliver an IoT solution of any complexity, either develop it from scratch or join an ongoing project by bringing the valuable expertise of the company’s professionals. Right now, our IoT development services can be divided into several major areas.

Custom IoT software development

We create tailored-made IoT solutions for specific projects of our clients. With years of IoT experience, COWIN’s in-house professionals can cope with projects of any complexity and in any industry.

IoT web app development

Our specialists build IoT-based web applications that connect remote and geographically dispersed IoT devices (for instance, sensors) and give users a solution for IoT device management straight from the browser.

IoT mobile app development

We provide mobile solutions for direct interaction with physical objects in IoT networks. We can help a client turn a mobile device into a universal remote control in order to manage a range of connected systems.

IoT dashboards development

We build IoT dashboards to help solve certain industrial issues (such as lack of centralized sensor management) and improve autresomation. Such dashboards are commonly created for niche professionals.

IoT hardware solutions

Not only COWIN’s experts deal with IoT software but are also proficient at mastering IoT hardware. For example, our specialists work directly with sensors and get involved in microcontroller programming.

IoT developers outstaffing

We are always ready to provide clients with dedicated IoT developers to join an ongoing project. Thus, our clients may immediately fill the expertise gap and complete the team with experienced talents at a reasonable rate.

Our IoT software development expertise

With years in IoT, COWIN has driven IoT innovations for business. In case a company has any sort of physical interaction with sensors or devices, our experts are willing to consult on the respective IoT aspects as well as provide advanced automatization. See the most trending industries where our professionals have applied their expertise, knowledge, and skills.

IoT 1

IoT and big data

While the IoT allows us to collect data from physical objects through different sensors, we use big data for faster and more efficient storage and processing of this data. Combined, we employ these technologies to create predictive analytics solutions.

IoT 2

IoT and machine learning

IoT and ML give us a general understanding of the situation shown by the collected data. As a result, quick response to this situation is provided, and the accuracy of decisions made is increased, which is valued in diagnostics.

IoT 3

IoT and blockchain

IoT enables connected devices to send data to the blockchain to create non-rewritable and tamper-resistant records. In this way, COWIN uses blockchain and IoT to make safe machine-to-machine transactions possible.

IoT 4

IoT and metaverse

IoT sensors can be built into VR goggles to track the reaction of the user's eyes to what is being played on the screen. We also actively use the Internet of Things in the metaverse and provide the maximum immersive effect for end users.

IoT use cases for industries

COWIN builds diverse bespoke IoT solutions that are beneficial for many industries since they facilitate data-driven decision-making, reduced operating costs, and improved asset management.

IoT software for logistics and transportation

Internet of Things can be used for remote vehicle monitoring, fleet management and maintenance, GPS tracking, route building, and more, streamlining transportation processes and optimizing delivery expenses.

Industrial IoT for smart manufacturing

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) approach helps us create multi-level systems of sensors and controllers for units and assemblies in industrial facilities, transmit and visualize collected data, and use powerful analytical tools.

IoT software for device management

To optimize business processes at enterprises, we implement centralized IoT solutions with a single control panel, which is a universal dashboard to configure and control all devices and equipment connected to a specific IoT solution.

IoT software for smart cities and homes

Our IoT developers build smart security systems, air and water monitoring applications, as well as intelligent software solutions that control all electronic equipment connected to the city or home IoT network.

IoT software for healthcare

The implementation of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) concept may be particularly relevant for remote patient care, e.g., for monitoring vital signs in critical patients remotely and making diagnoses through data from sensors.

IoT for food industry and HoReCa

COWIN can boost the competitive edge by implementing IoT solutions that track orders and optimize the supply chain of goods, and thus help companies avoid the delivery of non-original or spoiled food products.

IoT software for retail and eCommerce

IoT in retail can improve the customer experience by providing a greater understanding of the current needs of the target audience in real time. We enable companies to quickly respond to demand by integrating IoT-powered analytics.

IoT software for leasing and maintenance

This type of service involves the creation of IoT solutions for further commercial use by other companies (leasing). In particular, we create custom solutions so that our clients may re-use them for their personal business purposes.

IoT technologies & tools

For custom IoT software development, COWIN uses popular programming languages (Java, C, C++, Python) as well as more specialized tools (such as Node.js, Flutter). The most common technologies and tools we use for IoT development include Sigfox, Azure IoT Hub, InfluxDB, and Unity + Robotics.



We use this technology for low-speed wireless communication of devices in networks with low energy consumption.

Azure IoT Hub

Azure IoT Hub

Our teams use this Microsoft Azure service in order to provide two-way communication between a device and the cloud.



We employ InfluxDB as an open-source database management system for storing time-series data.

Unity + Robotics

Unity + Robotics

COWIN’s professionals appreciate it as a robot model with clear and simple navigation and remote control system.

IoT devices we work with

While working on diverse IoT projects, COWIN’s experts divide IoT devices into several categories. They differ from each other in terms of design, complexity, and purpose.

Wearable IoT devices

COWIN has an extensive expertise creating IoT solutions for smartwatches, fitness trackers, GPS tracking bands, smart glasses, etc.

Smart home devices

Our IoT developers build user-friendly apps that collect and analyze data from motion sensors, fire/CO safety sensors, lighting, thermostats, etc.

Industrial sensors

Our team has created multiple IIoT solutions for a range of industrial sensors, including level sensors, humidity sensors, temperature sensors, etc.

Industrial robots

We develop custom IoT software for equipment used in manufacturing. They are automated, programmable, and capable of movement on several axes.

Healthcare devices

COWIN has proudly contributed to building helpful healthcare devices which record vital signs (e.g. heart rate monitors, glucose trackers, etc.).

Connected cars

We took part in developing IoT solutions such as fleet management software based on car trackers, smart cars able to lock doors when burglarized, etc.

Hire the best Internet of Things developers

By hiring COWIN’s dedicated IoT developers, our clients will avoid wasting time on a time-consuming recruiting process. We, in turn, provide them with the most suitable candidates within 1-3 days as well as the following advantages.

First, our team has been creating IoT products for 10+ years, hence our clients will receive experienced professionals that will do all the routine work while they can focus on the core project goals. Second, we provide quality, which is combined with reliability and punctuality. All the products that we deploy are error-free and thoroughly audited. Third, our clients will still receive our full-fledged support even after the product is deployed.

We take no shortcuts on quality

Leverage our experience and a solid technology stack

Explore our approach

Why COWIN provides outstanding IoT app development services

COWIN is among the top software development companies with over 10+ years of IoT experience and projects in 30+ countries. Right now, our in-house staff has many experienced developers with valuable IoT skills, knowledge, and expertise. We offer both development from scratch as well as an option to hire our dedicated IoT developers for joining ongoing projects.

Our IoT development process

COWIN is a leading IoT development company where we have a well-adjusted step-by-step IoT development process. Each of the steps we take helps us ensure full transparency, high efficiency, and overall success of the collaboration with clients.


Requirements analysis

We begin with the collection of technical and non-technical requirements and the analysis of the client's needs. Our specialists get a clear idea of ​​what tools to use and what workflows to create in order to implement the project.


Wireframing design

Based on the collected requirements, our designers create a wireframe of the future solution and demonstrate it to the client. At this stage, additional edits and clarifications can happen.



Based on the created design, the development process begins, which involves writing the program code for the future digital solution. This is the most time-consuming process.


Testing and debugging

As individual software units are implemented, our QA engineers check their compliance with the list of specifications. In case of discrepancy, they are sent for revision.


Deployment and maintenance

After the final testing, we launch the project into production. At the post-release stage, our specialists provide technical support and release updates.

Cost of Internet of Things development

How to calculate the cost of an Internet of Things solution? Obviously, one of the main factors affecting the cost of Internet of Things development services is the complexity of the project. For a rough estimate of IoT application development, one has to calculate the number of man-hours spent on development, as well as the number of team members. The total price depends, however, on several criteria.

Team composition

Team size

Professional level of developers

Duration of the project

Project complexity

Cooperation model


What is the Internet of Things?

So what is the Internet of Things all about? Basically, it is about the collection and transformation of data picked up by IoT devices from physical objects. With the help of the Internet of Things, COWIN helps businesses receive data-driven consumer behavior insights, improve supply chain performance, and implement smart maintenance.

How fast can you set up a dedicated IoT software development team for my project?

It usually takes one to two weeks to complete the Internet of Things app development team. However, if your project requires a highly specialized IoT developer, the specified time range may be somewhat larger. As for hiring dedicated 1-2 experts per team, this procedure usually takes only a couple of days.

What are the examples of IoT?

IoT devices are electronic equipment that is capable of interacting with each other (collecting and exchanging data) without the direct participation of a person in real-time. Typical examples of IoT devices are sensors designed for various purposes, ranging from motion detection to those that signal the excess of harmful substances in air or water.

How much time will it take to build an IoT app?

As a rule, IoT consulting companies provide you with an accurate answer to this question during a personal conversation. Note that the duration of the project implementation depends on many factors, ranging from the complexity of the project to the size of the development team. If we talk about building solutions from scratch, the Internet of Things software development takes about a year. However, there are cases when projects are implemented much faster (for example, when the client turns to the non-custom IoT development services but uses a ready-made IoT solution).

How does IoT benefit my business?

Solutions based on the IoT concept increase the automation of production processes, improve logistics, reduce downtime, and of course, minimize the cost of maintaining workflows. As for the best IoT security solutions, they can protect your office without the need to hire a full staff of security guards. In general, if there’s a possibility to provide interaction between devices without human intervention, your business will only benefit from the implementation of IoT development services.

Need a technological solution?
Contact us!

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What happens next?


Having received and processed your request, we will get back to you shortly to detail your project needs and sign an NDA to ensure the confidentiality of information.


After examining requirements, our analysts and developers devise a project proposal with the scope of works, team size, time, and cost estimates.


We arrange a meeting with you to discuss the offer and come to an agreement.


We sign a contract and start working on your project as quickly as possible.