
front end


COWIN is one of the top JavaScript development companies offering a variety of software engineering services ranging from creating interactive web pages to end-to-end application development. We utilize the power of JavaScript to design front-end software delivering the best user experience and forge scalable back-end solutions.

Custom JavaScript development services

We harness JavaScript to enhance the experience of users interacting with businesses by creating and optimizing single-page web apps, web portals, custom JavaScript frameworks, content management systems, custom plug-ins, and dynamic enterprise-grade websites.

Custom web application development using JavaScript

JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue.js, jQuery, or Node.js allow us to build scalable web applications with outstanding performance.

Cross-platform mobile application development

Our development team uses React Native, Ionic, Cordova frameworks to deliver user-centric mobile applications and faster time to market.

Interactive application development with Node.js

With Node.js, our software engineers create interactive applications like chatbots, web and mobile apps with a stellar user experience.

JavaScript-based web portal development

We leverage the power of JavaScript and its frameworks to develop a fully functional web portal from scratch, ensuring a robust feature set and nimble performance.

Mobile web application development with JavaScript

Our JavaScript engineers develop responsive web applications accessible throughout all mobile devices with jQuery Mobile.

JavaScript development with JSON and XML

With JSON or XML, we can set up rapid and clear data transmission between the server and the client sides.

Interactive single-page web application development

Single-page web apps allow delivering fluid and immersive experiences to end users and are used by major players like Google, Netflix, or PayPal.

JavaScript-based plug-in development

If the original software functionality needs to be altered, we suggest developing a plug-in instead of designing a brand new web application.

Custom eCommerce, supply chain, and stock management solutions API development

We build reactive custom APIs bringing the best experience for a wide range of businesses from various domains.

State-of-the-art technologies enriching users’ digital experience

We are always up to date with the latest technologies and trends in software development. Our team delivers tailored applications presenting the best user experience possible.

Why hire JavaScript developers at COWIN?


Years of expertise


JavaScript developers


Middle or Senior level

In search of a perfect JavaScript software developer, the primary requirements are relevant experience, high-quality code and flexibility. In these terms, COWIN is an excellent match.

5+ years is the average experience level of our JS developers

Our engineers maintain end-to-end development services

Expertise in delivering fully functional and scalable solutions

Prompt development for rapid and risk-free releases

Time zone adjustment and work model flexibility

Excellent communication skills and cultural proximity

Our technology stack


  • React

  • React-Redux

  • React-Admin

  • React-Draggable

  • Immutable

  • Reselect

  • Redux

  • Redux-Thunk

  • Redux-Saga

  • Redux-Persist

  • Redux-Intl

  • Redux-Form

  • Formik

  • RxJS

  • Nx

  • React-i18n

  • React-Native

  • React-Navigation

  • React-Router-DOM

  • Three.JS

  • Styled-Components

  • NextJS


  • Angular

  • Angular material

  • KendoUI

  • Ant Design

  • PrimeNG

  • Bootstrap

  • DevExtreme

  • Nebular

  • Ag Grid

  • NgRx

  • NGXS

  • MobX

  • Akita

  • D3.js

  • ngx-translate

  • Formly

  • Nx

  • cytoscape.js

  • Ionic

  • Angular

  • CDK

  • Chart.js


  • Vue

  • Vuex

  • Vue Router

  • Vue Test Utils

  • NuxtJS

  • Framework7

  • Vue Loader

  • Vite

  • Vue CLI

  • Vue Meta

  • Vue I18n

  • Vuelidate

  • vue-chartjs

  • Vuetify

  • Element UI

  • Quasar Framework

  • Bootstrap Vue

  • Rollbar

  • Auth0


  • NestJS

  • Koa

  • Express

  • RxJS

  • MongoDB

  • PostgreSQL

  • MySQL

  • GraphQL

  • Mongoose

  • TypeORM

  • Sequelize

  • Passport

  • Knex

  • AWS (Lamda, EC2, RDS)

Other tools

  • Material

  • Ant Design

  • Apollo GraphQL

  • Protractor

  • Jasmine

  • Jest

  • Enzyme

  • Mocha

  • Electron

  • SSR

  • Lodash

  • Date-FNS

  • CSS


  • LESS

  • Lerna

  • TypeScript

Boost your business with JavaScript

COWIN is flexible when it comes to choosing a model of cooperation. You can select the most suitable work model or turn to our experts, who are ready to help you pick the best option for your project.

Dedicated Team

We supply you with a team of expert full-stack JavaScript developers swiftly delivering tailored solutions.

Staff Augmentation

Our JavaScript developers will enhance your in-house team of engineers to accelerate the development process and time-to-market.


COWIN maintains full-pledged JavaScript development services based on your project’s specifications.

We take no shortcuts on quality

Leverage our experience and a solid technology stack

Explore our approach

Custom education solutions we develop

Web applications of any scope

We utilize JavaScript to create highly scalable progressive web applications with extraordinary capabilities and appealing design.

Mobile apps with accelerated load times

Our talented JavaScript engineers develop custom mobile apps displaying extensive functionality and short load time.

End-to-end server solutions

With the help of server-side JavaScript (i.e., Node.js), we develop end-to-end solutions that work on both the server and the client sides from one code instance.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Our team develops progressive web applications bringing users the near-native experience through the Web.

Dynamic interactive websites

We connect businesses to their customers through websites ensuring stunning user experience via high interactivity and fast response.

Custom APIs

We implement our custom-made APIs to ensure the solution’s broad functionality and ease of maintenance.

JavaScript migration

To strengthen security and enhance the capabilities of the application, our JavaScript engineers facilitate the migration of the app to newer JavaScript versions.

Maintenance and support

We maintain and constantly update already existing solutions to ensure their relevance and usability.

Why JavaScript?


JavaScript can be processed directly on the user’s system. Bypassing the server allows lighter apps to perform seamlessly and efficiently.


JavaScript code can run instantly on the device. Also, the UI parts can be altered omitting communications with the server, boosting the speed of the app.


Web platform, PWA, mobile app — JavaScript is a versatile language covering any platform out there. It can enrich the functionality of other apps by scripting or creating plug-ins.


JavaScript is extremely popular as it is openly sourced. It’s supported by popular browsers and is used on a vast majority of modern websites.


JavaScript is updated annually by Ecma International, the governing body that’s in charge of the language. This keeps JavaScript agile and consistent.


JavaScript can be used for anything from creating a simple plug-in to developing a complex solution with client and server sides.

The difference between JavaScript and Java

Java and JavaScript are oftentimes confused. However, these two languages could not be more different.

Typed language

Java is a strongly-typed language, which means that it forces developers to define code variables with data type restrictions (i.e., string data can’t be stored in an integer variable). JavaScript is a weakly-typed language and is more flexible in these terms.


Java is used extensively in enterprise application development, while JavaScript is widely utilized in web development.


Java rapidly shows any structural issue with the code and can resolve errors in real-time as it’s being compiled. Being all-text, JavaScript doesn’t detect any faults during the compilation process since it does not debug code while compiling.

JavaScript. Popular through the years.

The reasons for JavaScript popularity are its versatility and the array of use cases. It can be employed to create a small plug-in, a standalone application, or a complex platform with a robust set of features. Powered by constant updates and support of the language, a wide range of libraries and APIs, it remains one of the most popular programming languages. In the end, we get a smoothly working lightweight application with an astonishing design taking almost no time to develop.

JavaScript development cost

COWIN has been delivering top-notch JavaScript solutions for over 10 years, having successfully launched 200+ projects of various sizes and complexity. The final cost of each project depends on a number of factors, such as:

Team size

Team composition

Team members level

Complexity of the project

Duration of the project

Cooperation model

We always cater to the client’s budget and requests, striving to render high-quality software development services at a reasonable cost.


What is JavaScript mainly used for?

JavaScript is primarily used for web development. With its help, software engineers can capture users with interactive web pages or applications displaying near-native performance and functionality.

What are the most popular JavaScript frameworks?

The most popular JavaScript frameworks are:

  • Angular

  • React

  • Vue.js

  • Ember.js

  • Meteor

  • Mithril

  • Node.js

  • Polymer

  • Aurelia

  • Backbone.js

What are the benefits of outsourcing JavaScript development?

When inviting a team to maintain a JavaScript project, you can benefit from their high level of expertise in the field. Moreover, this frees up the resources of your departments to focus on the essential business objectives instead of searching for JavaScript developers to augment your team.

How long does it take to build a JavaScript web app?

Time frame estimations depend on the complexity of the solution, team size, team skill level, and a range of other variables. A simple single-page web application MVP development can take a few weeks while creating a large platform with distributed architecture can take several months.

How to hire JavaScript developers?

If you want to hire expert JavaScript developers and get the software solution serving your needs ideally, contact us — we’re always open to new challenges.

Need a technological solution?
Contact us!

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What happens next?


Having received and processed your request, we will get back to you shortly to detail your project needs and sign an NDA to ensure the confidentiality of information.


After examining requirements, our analysts and developers devise a project proposal with the scope of works, team size, time, and cost estimates.


We arrange a meeting with you to discuss the offer and come to an agreement.


We sign a contract and start working on your project as quickly as possible.